2021 is a year like no other. On the one hand, we have been facing up to unprecedented challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, this year we are celebrating a very happy anniversary: 100 years since our company was founded.
Our family-run business was established in Nuremberg in 1921. Today we have around 340 employees working at two sites in Germany to develop customer-specific solutions using fine blanking technology and tool making. Every year we produce more than 200 million fine-blanked parts.
When we look back over the last 100 years since the foundation of our company, we take great pride in the way we have always been able to successfully master challenging situations. We encourage constructive and agile exchange of ideas. We develop customized solutions and we provide extremely high level of product quality. There are sure to be many more challenges coming up in the future, and we are looking forward to overcoming them – there will be increasing technical requirements in connection with mobility solutions, the ongoing digitalisation of work processes and the ever-increasing demands for better part quality and part availability, as well as logistics and service.
Our company has a solid financial base, and from this strong foundation we can guarantee you ongoing technical and operative excellence, flexibility, solution-oriented thinking and specialized advice.
We would love to have celebrated our anniversary together with you. Sadly, this is currently still not possible due to the global pandemic. To commemorate our anniversary, we have donated 15,000 euros to local organisations caring for cancer sufferers: the FAU University Hospital in Erlangen and the charity “Help for Cancer Sufferers” in Nuremberg.
In line with our mission, “The perfect PARTner”, it is a matter of the upmost importance to us that we should continue to provide you with comprehensive support as a committed and reliable partner for fine blanking technologies.
We look forward to shaping the future together with you.
The Büschel-Teams from Schwaig b. Nürnberg and Mohlsdorf